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Supply chain logistics Week 4 Discussion

Supply chain logistics Week 4 Discussion

Q Discuss the factors that make supplier selection and evaluation difficult.

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Evaluation or selection of supplier can be regarded as a common difficulty for attaining the required materials to aid the company’s output. The difficulty is to figure out and assess the most appropriate or best supplier in a periodic manner for the company on the basis of capabilities of a variety of suppliers. This occurs when the value of the dollar is high, buying is complex. A process of ranking and evaluation of formal supplier is needed. The process of selection of a supplier is a process of solving the problem by which the works of criteria formulation, choice, the definition of a problem, and qualification are covered (Murphy & Knemeyer, 2018). Evaluation and selection of supplier consist of several criteria generally. There can be variation in the criteria in terms of importance and number both reliant on a specific situation. Sometimes it can be hard for a supplier to attain supply of high quality and competitive pricing both. It is vital to know tradeoffs and balances among them as some selection of vendor can be opposing. New criteria of selection or the reprioritization of the pr